After taking up the quest for the missing Fishmonger's pearl, the trio travel to the nearby Seaside Cavern. It's rare that anyone goes enters the cavern, as rumors tell of shocking, cloudy white creatures slithering about the tendrils of the cavern ceiling, and deeper within, a resting beast of many eyes. Bell says it's just rumors. If any evil void-like creature comes their way, they'll be able to fight back with their own powers of goodness! And so they enter the cavern, with a few apples to stave their hunger, a willpower potion to share amongst themselves and a scroll to be used in the worst case scenario.
The trio before the Seaside Caverns... The ocean is calm and a maritime breeze blows through their clothes. What awaits them?
What items the trio are holding:
Luther's brought some apples, Sir P has a Willpower UP! Potion and Bell brought a scroll to scribe on.
Sir P (Lil 'P)
Fish Scale Armor (Base)
Cape of Water River (Base)
Tunic of Floating (Base)
Items: Willpower UP! Potion
Strength 8 ⭐
Constitution 7
Willpower 5
Speed 4
Magick 3
Jester Luther
Bear Helmet of Speed (Base)
Gold Threaded Vest (Base)
Boots of Jungle (Base)
Apples (x3)
Strength 4
Constitution 5
Willpower 5
Speed 8⭐
Magick 6
Sorcerer Bell
The Quilted Crown (Base)
Falling Star Robes (Base)
Scarlet Threaded Handkerchief (Base)
Items: Free Scribe Scroll
Strength 3
Constitution 6
Willpower 3
Speed 2
Magick 9⭐