Age: Around 901 years old
Birth Planet:
Sun sign: ♍ Virgo
Tribe: Nurser
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 26 lb
Colour: Gray
Eye colour: Light blue
⭐ Favorites ⭐
Hobbies and activities: Tea and tea preparation, reading, teaching, napping, pharmacognosy
Things: Pillows, Hibiscus flowers on Earth and home planet flowers
First appearance: Episode 04: P-nglish
Gurry's Bio
Gurry is a large gray and white penguin who hails from the Nurser Tribe. Gurry is part of the elder group of Fairy Penguinos and provides advice to Lil 'P, Luther and Bell, and others.
Gurry is first noticed by the giant hibiscus flower adorned in the left side of their hair. Gurry doesn't always wear a hibiscus flower and makes sure to leave some flowers alone so as to not hurt Earth. When that happens, Gurry might wear a different flower, or a faux flower. Gurry never throws the hibiscus flower picked and will make a tea with it after a day or so.
As Gurry is part of the Nurser Tribe, they are a naturally empathetic and sensitive group of Fairy Penguinos. But to balance this sensitivity, they are also more likely to be realistic rather than fully idealistic as compared to the Magick Tribe or Joker Tribe. They won't say anything is impossible, but they focus on what they can achieve realistically at the time instead of keeping their cuddly brains in the marshmallow clouds. This in turn leads them closer to their goals, and Gurry always constantly reminds Luther, Lil 'P and Bell to start with smaller goals.
In Gurry's personal life, Gurry likes to keep everything organized and categorized. Gurry learned to be highly organized when they undertook the career path of learning the medicinal properties of herbs and plant life of the Whirlpoolian system. Gurry has always been interested in wild plant life, and appreciating what the universe provides for use to all life forms. Before setting out to collect herbs for medicines or research, Gurry makes sure to ask the environment for permission to take and will not corrupt for negativity or harmful reasons. Gurry is a very aware individual and can feel the vibrations when they tune into this permissory ritual.
Some of Gurry's decor along with a hibiscus flower
On the Fairy Penguinos home planet, Gurry was a well accomplished pharmacognosist. Out of many candidates for the mission to Earth, Gurry was chosen in the end because of their peculiar expertise and inclination to comprehending obtuse alien plant life compared to other Fairy Penguino scientists.
One activity that all Fairy Penguinos who are familiar with Gurry will let you know about is Gurry's love for tea and tea preparation. Gurry is very meticulous about their tea from washing the hibiscus leaves specifically to pouring of the first cup. Gurry also enjoys teaching to any Penguino who is interested in the art of tea. If any Penguino goes to meet with Gurry or simply drops by, Gurry will make them tea and pour it in an earthenware cup made with Gurry's own magick and flippers. This is a sign of respect Gurry shows to the visitor, as well as providing ultimate form of warmth and acknowledgement of the other being.
Gurry loves tea so much that they drink at least seven cups on average per day!
Gurry's Hut
A large part of the motifs that the Fairy Penguinos who came to Earth adopted are with fish and general sea feelings. Gurry makes no hesitation in displaying a full tapestry with a beautiful blue fish swimming through the deep, dark blue ocean. In front of the tapestry are usually pillows made by other Penguinos and gifted to Gurry for all the help Gurry provides throughout the tribe. Gurry loves sleeping on these pillows and loves to feel cozy falling into their pilowy softness sipping a nice, warm tea at night before bed. Hanging from above are collected herbs and flowers drying, and little ball lights which dance at night. Gurry likes white furniture, so most of their furniture is done by the Builder tribe and painted in a icy white. Gurry isn't keen on having too many area rugs, like Lil 'P or Luther is, but rather likes three giant rugs in three different shapes to fill the hut's floor: diamond, oval and rectangle.
Main view of Gurry's hut facing the bed area